- If 75-80% of your daily blood sugar readings are between 100-200mg/dl – then you are doing good !!
- Ideally BG should be checked 5 times/day –
- Morning- before breakfast (fasting)
- Afternoon- before lunch
- Evening- before dinner
- 2.5-3 hrs post dinner
- Late night- 3 am
- It is essential to check BG and give Insulin injection before giving 3 major meals - Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner – DO NOT MISS INSULIN DOSE
- It is important to coordinate child’s food (meal + snack) with peak time of insulin –
- Rapid insulin (Humalog/ Novorapid) – food to be given within 2-2.5 hrs of giving insulin
- Regular insulin (Actrapid/ Huminsulin R) – food to be given within 3-3.5 hrs of giving insulin
- If peak time of insulin is over and child is hungry, FREE FOODS (carbohydrate < 5 grams) can be given to the child before next meal –
- Lemonade (salted)
- Buttermilk
- Paneer/tofu
- Soya
- White portion of egg
- Salad (no salad dressing)
- Soups (veg/ chicken)- avoid adding cream/butter/corn/corn starch
- Popcorn (prepared at home)
- Roasted chana- murmura
- Nuts- almonds and walnuts (4-5)
- Roasted Makhana
- Long acting insulin (Lantus/ Tresiba) – to be given at a fixed time every evening/morning – no need to check BG before giving this insulin.
- PLEASE REMEMBER - This insulin will not cover any food eaten after taking this injection
- Do not change timing/dose of this insulin without your doctor’s consultation
- If child has low BG (<80 mg/dl) –
- Give ½ - 1 teaspoon of sugar to the child (depending on child’s age)– Repeat BG check after 20 mins
- If still <80- repeat the same – can be repeated 3 times
- If > 80 – give insulin injection followed by child’s meal/give a snack
- Other options – honey/glucose water/2-3 sips coke/ juice
- DO NOT give chocolates/biscuits/toffees- as these contain fat, so they do not increase blood sugar immediately.
- Injection GLUCAGON – to be used only in case of hypoglycaemic emergency- if child becomes unconscious/ has a fit (unable to take sugar from mouth)- to be given like an insulin injection.
- Give ½ - 1 teaspoon of sugar to the child (depending on child’s age)– Repeat BG check after 20 mins
- If child has high BG (>300 for consecutive 2 days) -
- Increase insulin dosage
- Change your insulin vial
- Check for KETONES in urine (ketodiastix)
- Make your child drink more water
- Contact your doctor
- If any time you feel your child is not behaving normally- angry/ irritated/ overly sleepy/ very lethargic- check his/her BG.
- If the child is unwell (stomach ache, vomiting, high grade fever, fit, etc.)- immediately consult with your paediatrician.
- Frequent BG monitoring should be done when the child is unwell
- Check for urinary ketones
- DO NOT MISS INSULIN DOSAGE EVEN IF THE CHILD IS EATING LESS!! – as body requires more insulin at the time of illness.
- Always keep insulins in door of fridge – Insulins should NOT freeze – do not use frozen insulin, discard them.
- Keep changing insulin injection site – repeated injections at same site can cause swelling/atrophy – leading to poor insulin absorption.
- Maintain daily BG monitoring diary and carry it with you for every doctor’s appointment –
- Avoid simple sugars like- table sugar, honey, candy, sweets, fruit juices etc.
- Avoid fruits like- mango, grapes, litchi, jackfruit (high sugar content)
- As a thumb rule – sweeter the fruit, giver lesser the quantity
- Eat balanced meals with inclusion of variety of vegetables, whole grains and pulses.
- Exercise should be a part of daily routine
- Whenever you travel, you should carry following things with you -
- Insulin pens (with ice packs)
- Extra cartridges
- Glucometer with strips
- Something sweet – sugar sachet/candy/juice
- A snack
- If travelling for more than a day – ketone sticks and Inj. Glucagon